

Comments (57)

stfu you crust dusty musty greasy dumbfuck

this is why you get no bitches

i'd rather date the sped kid who's in the wheelchair rather than you

i dont even KNOW you

I'm 11

i DONT like boys that much

a lot of them are gross greasy pigs

I'm aromantic

aromantics dont have any romantic attraction to anyone of any gender

they preffer to be ALONE

thats nice

i was jut joking by those words that i said to u i just wanted to see ur reaction

i hope the rough cloth fibers of her lips dont hurt you

body pillow kisser

is casper a good kisser

i mean

you have kissed casper

show what she looks like

or i wont belive you

thats it go away or i'll start fangirling over lego men

like this one fish man

thank you