

Comments (79)

fuck you fatass why only thing you can do to fuck pornstars

fan your what 11 go build walls in minecraft

Soon America will wake up and vote me again

JoeBiden482 shows how easily disposable you and your name are

trump it's not 2016 your leafy kids audience isn't gonna save you

Look mehico boy I just want you to build my wall

Then i'll stop being "racist" as you call it

We need to Expand Arizona Texas Nevada and california

I don't think you Mehicans want californians

says the fat ass that buys people 3k worth of McDonald's

like the 400,000 british pounds you paid that pornstar to fuck because your wife doesn't love you

Senile old Biden would spend hours sitting at his TV after pressing "input"

I'm sure you used to be the number 1 at something Joe

But now you're a number I can't even count up to

trump is better

trump had sex with a 10 year old and paid off putin

Is Biden a liar or delusional? Maybe both?

Trump didn’t fuck a pornstar he is a clean man, the democrat S are just trying to come up with dirt to ruin his life so they win to swindle corrupt money for their greedy pockets. Trump never stole, never did drugs, never drank, they just came up with that fake story of him paying some pornstar. The only thing he did wrong was accidently take money out of his campaign which he wasn’t supposed to do

We had the best economy since Kennedy with trump in office it is bewildering that people still like Biden when he is so old he can barely even read or walk up stairs