

lowkey this site is shit too many kids on here who think they know shit and making up fake drama.

Comments (211)

istg half the kids are not even in 10th grade

if ur a 10th grader and having a flame war with some kid on a joke website u gotta go back a few years

bro facts

i used to love this site and now its just gone to shit, like this pizza kid who thinks he's the shit

makes sense why they say "fat bitch" and type in caps as if that means something


dawg ive been here since September 19, 2022

and like

everything is just gone to shit now it sucks I miss the old ogs like I had so much fun beofre

aye bro so we have both been through everything and lowkey the ashton thing was the last best thing that happened because everyone knew what was going on

everyone agreed

facts bro

oh fr?

aye bro good to hear from you

what happned to daagger

like the acct

wait you got mod?

bro how tf



lowkey i wanna email Matt and ask for mod lol


hes NEVER on

fuck it ima email him

should i email him or just be like "yooo wsg matt ima need that mod power" lmao


how do i say it tho

i dont wanna sound power hungry tho but

how did you ask for it

ayo matt could I have mod, I've seen a lot of questionable things on this site, and I just want to help you out and help clean up the people

so like that

ive only talked to him a few times

yeah that makes sense

wsg bro

dude i could get the OG god back


ik him

i could text him rn and ask him to hop on

bet bet lemme text him


yeah he does

It’s been a min since I’ve been on this site

aye bro what do you think of the new shit lol

It has been, you still roasting tf outta people πŸ˜‚

to wut

Bro what happened to like 500 follwers


yeah idk what happned

oh yee i remember you doing that

facts everyone needs to know who God was

the OG god

wait did you not know i knew him?

Uh Hamilton what the other dudes name I don't really know how to type it so...






just an alt

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thats good

anyway ima dip as well

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