

Comments (62)

That’s because you’re stupid and i’m not

My friend ruined my entire life by dating my crush. You see, I used to know someone named Mitchell, and for a few years we were best friends. But then Mitchell kissed my crush, Thriana, and they become childhood sweethearts. I had liked Thriana since the fourth grade, so I decided I needed to destroy Mitchell to win Thriana's affection. I started subtly, undermining Mitchell whenever possible with passive aggressive comments, and compli-sults. I started messing with his performance in school, bringing down his grades and turning teachers against him. I even became great friends with Mitchell's parents and slowly turned them against their own offspring. At night, I would sneak into his bedroom, and whisper depressing and hopeless things into his ears. And every time Thriana was around, I would pants Mitchell and make fun of his genitalia, or try to body shame him in other ways. I would also constantly call him “Mitch the Bitch.” But that wasn’t enough. For whatever fucking stupid reason, Thriana decided to stick with Mitch the Bitch, trying to counter my phycological tear-down with compliments, and friendship. I finally came to the conclusion that I would never be able to win Thriana. I tried to let it go. I tried to move on, and forget all about Mitchell and Thriana. But every time I saw them kissing, or holding hands, or going out for ice cream together, I bubbled up with rage. After months of suffering, I just couldn’t take it anymore. I drugged both Mitch and Thriana, and took them to an abandoned cobbler's hut on the edge of town. There, I proceeded to torture and maim Thriana, forcing Mitch to watch in horror. I laughed and made fun of Mitch for being unable to do anything to save his sweetheart. I didn't kill Thriana, but instead, put her in a semi-vegetative state. I cleaned the scene of my presence, then called the cops. The best part is that Mitch was blamed for everything. Mitch was sent to prison, and because they believed he was guilty, Mitch’s parents fell into a deep depression. I think I even heard that they commited suicide. A few months later, I heard from the news that Mitch had escaped from jail by bribing one of the rookie guards, and I knew he would be seeking revenge. I rushed back to the cobbler’s hut, and installed a micro-bomb into Thriana's body, and should I be killed, the bomb would automatically go off and kill Thriana as well. And though she was still in a mostly fugue state, Mitch couldn't bring himself to hurt her any further. I finally decided that I had gotten my vengeance, so I decided to try and move on with my life. But Mitch was still mad, and he wouldn’t let me. When I found employment at a diner, Mitch sould his house just so he could buy it, and proceeded to undermine and toy with me at every turn. After he fired me, I tried to find employment elswewhere, but it turned out that Mitch had contacted any potential employer and soured them against me, so I wouldn’t be able to get another job. I’m finally realizing that no matter what I do, Mitch is going to try and ruin my life. I have resigned myself to living as a broken, lonely man, and at this point, I see no reason to keep on living. I think I’m gonna do it tomorrow.

hi wanna fuck lonely

im really horny and i want to jerk off

send nudes

right now

make a account

I like being an anon so i can mess around without being banned

Besides i can’t just send nudes out here in the open

make a post ill delete it after u send nude

ok and?

im a bisexual russian man

make an account

No i want to send them to you personally

pls send nude lonely