

Comments (491)

Hold on a sec ima find a photo real quick

I remembered seeing this many months ago and thought it would apply to you.

but he didn’t want to post for some reason

Wow I’ve been called handsome by a meme

Can I see a picture of the drawings?

Bruh what’s up with all the fake people

These fake accounts are very confusing

Shut the fuck up real jas no one asked you to talk

I feel like all these fake accounts are all the same troll

If your the real Lovely Perv then send a picture of altoids

I gave these to Joe, ace, Mathew, Henry, and they all asked if I laced them with drugs like bruh I’m not that insane


But neither of you have the sexy pfp

You probably dream of eating my ass fuckwad

I meant is was cap that i would date the other perv

I’d choose vape over fapping any day tbh

I watch you fap in the shower every day

lemme see a picture of your drawings

fapping is the same as masterbating


thought you would of known that lol

Well i didn’t think you took it literally

I think I’ve seen a video like the one on this computer before


Is it just me or do the fake accounts seem horny?

I mean if they’re horny why don’t they just look at this photo

Comment deleted by Lovely Perv

I thought you already knew I masterbate like multiple times a week

I got fake perv’s message in the screenshot

your face looks really buetiful though

Bitch i don’t know who tf did that but gtfo off my screen

when my mom gets a new laptop my older brothers is gonna get her old one and my younger brother is gonna get his old chromebook nd my younger brother wanted me in the loop so hes gonna give me his tablet bc he feels bad

Unless your dad buys an internet block

Which he probably won’t because he’s a cheap ass lol

Don’t talk to me asshole

You shouldn’t be on the same planet as me fuckwad

I bet you want me to

I will cum on your dead body you basic bitch

I can’t i’m in yo mama’s house

What’s your point

I am capable of murder asshat

You don’t know what you’re stepping into

This is pretty accurate it just need to change the pronouns from make to female

Why did you delete that picture of you with fluffy hair?

Hey how come you were giggling on the bus yesterday?

On the bus before your stop you started giggling for a few seconds

I’m just confused why you randomly started giggling

Playing troll obby on roblox while chating the hottest girl in the grade

I was trying to make a lighthearted joke

I insult her all the time and she doesn’t care

Bruh she hasn’t made the new post yet

What happened to save me mom or whatever your name was