

Comments (48)

You're pathetic my friend @Sya

Flashing your ugly flag around hoping people will "validate" you and your deviant fantasies

You know "Pansexual" is just a rehash of the other degenerate fetishes you hv in your community

im pan and poly and gender fluid

It's an excuse to add P to the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ cult

aint nothing wrong with lgbtqia+

So that you can later normalize pedophilia

youre just being a bitch

I only fuck women, not nasty degenerates pretending to be

chainsawing your dick off won't magically make you a women

i dont have a dick tho

I'm talking about you freaks in general

You either promote sterilization or genital mutilation

You bastards want to cause the extinction of the human race

Sorry to burst your bubble but not everyone is a mindless sheep

People are wise to your depopulation attempts

That's what you're known for doing

Knowing that your fetishes will never be normalized in society

Go cry to your momma, not me.

I'm not interested in conversing with you any longer.

She is a fucking bitch.

Anon, even if you could have said it nicer, I still agree with you.