

Comments (88)

Just changed name

What you want to chat about

Not to be creepy but, where do you live. Like what country? I'm curious to know where people around the world are form

Im the alt of a 13yo kid

So wait, your are A 13yo kid?

Like, the username?

Yes i Would not of put that in if i was not

I am 13

No, I don't mean your age, I mean the user. There is a user called "a 13yo kid"

I thought that you where saying you where him.

Yes thats me i made an alt cus soundid too sus

What you want to chat about now

Don't know. Anything you want to talk about?


What's weather like where you are

Relly cloudy but no rain

Yeah, it just stopped raining here

I use the ps4 web browser to go on here

I myself use Google on my phone

Its raining now

Oh yeah, does it get particularly cold

Nah not lots

Is morning there?

I dont feel the cold much

Yee its 9:01 am

Going to get a game for my ps4 at 10 am

it's 6:02 here pm

Im probably Going to get astromneer

Don't think I've heard of that one

It looks like a good game

What you want to chat about now

Not sure what to talk about next

Im a boy

You have a favourite food?

Yeah, I'm a boy too

Na i dont have favs at all

I love dogs

Oh yeah, what kind of dogs

All of the dog breeds

Yeah, I like dogs too though I've had most experience with cats

Ive been taken away from my parents

In real life yes dont no why

You doing alright?

Yee but its real sad

Hopefully you can find them

Its not like that im not allowed back

Well, hopefully you can see them again

Thats not likely ive not had contact for years

Well I hope things turn out ok

What you want to chat about now

Um, what kind of movies do you like

I dont like movies remembr

Is there anything you want to chat about now


What do you want to be when you leave school

I want to work for the RSPCA to go out and save animals

That's good. You like animals?

I love all animals

What you want to chat about now

Anyways, um, goodnight I guess