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Can we start some sort of friend group here? Place Ur allegiance now, also we should create a name, anyone who joins can help decide a name. Everyone welcome 👑

Gotta go but I'll leave u with this: back in the early 1800s, a man named John Bell moved his family to an area in Tennessee called Red River, which is now known as Adams, Tennessee. After they had settled in the new home, some peculiar things started happening. The Bell family began hearing some bizarre noises, including dogs barking, chains rattling, rats chewing, and a woman whispering. Soon, that woman became kno… Read more

Ok not round 5, that's soon tho, You see a boat filled with people. It has not sunk, but when you look again you don’t see a single person on the boat. Why?

REPOST ROUND 4 Part 1: In 1990, a person is 15 years old but in 1995 the same person is 10. How? PART 2: what always ends everything? Both answers correct= 25 points Post your guesses below!👑

ROUND 4 Part 1: In 1990, a person is 15 years old but in 1995 the same person is 10. How? PART 2: what always ends everything? Both answers correct= 25 points Post your guesses below!👑

ROUND 3: A thief enters a shop and threatens the clerk, forcing him to open the safe. The clerk says, "The code for the safe is different every day, and if you hurt me you'll never get the code". But the thief manages to guess the code on his own

what is it?

I've been thinking- this is points based now. I know, this is chaotic but the score lies as: Bluey: 20 Beepo: 15 Lostinflowers: 10 Dadamoop: 10 Omnom: 10 Tegan: 5

ROUND 2: what has 88 keys but can't unlock a single door? (If this is too easy I apologise)

Can you find the password hidden in this poem? Only the first five to answer correctly will go through to my next challenge (officially) others can still participate but not count in the final draw to find who's the riddler amongst us...

Sir, I bear a rhyme excelling In mystic force and magic spelling Celestial sprites elucidate All my own striving cant relate

Not a riddle yet but just a word of caution: user name Adapt is sending hateful and derogatory comments. I don't know how to report it, so I thought I'd warn everyone 👑

ok here's the riddle i speak without a mouth, i hear without ears, i have no body but i come alive in wind what am i? plz post your guesses more riddles soon!

Beepo is correct! Well done! Here's another: a man walks outside into the rain without a hat or umbrella, yet not a hair on his head gets wet, how? Good luck! Plz post your guesses below😜

A bat and ball cost $1.10. The bat cost one dollar more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?