Everyone's Guardian Angel

I go to this account to follow some of my own guidelines, help you all, and protect/calm myself.
Registered on · 22 followers

Dear whomever lies eyes upon this,

Without you, this world wouldn't be the same. Many people have many problems, but if you have even just one, you still deserve help for it. Some people have a view on mental health differently than others, but it is important. Every single one of you deserves so much, some won't get it till later in life. You hear things like you're never alone, you aren't. We all ha… Read more

On this account, I go on to help myself and others. I have guidelines I need to follow here for myself because I feel on my other account I get a bit too out of hand sometimes. If I'm on my normal account and you feel I need here, please tell me, it dose not mean ill come here, but I will consider it. Thank you, and goodnight.