
"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle you know nothing about." ୨ Hi! I'm Chloe, I'm 13 years old and living in Adelaide ୧ I'm a weirdo with SPD and APD, so thats kinda why I'm CrAzY. Hope you love my acc and jokes! :P
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Ugh I wish homework would be easier. Execpt I am litterally spending my time on here LMAO-

Hi Matt, once my account is old enough, can I please have dev? Thanks- Chloe. :P

What are your favorite foods, shows, and animals?

Mine are Food: Chocolate. Shows: Spongebob. Animals: Elephant!

Write yours in the Comments!

Good Afternoon fellow visitors of this post! Now I want everyone to tell me HOW HAS UR DAY BEEN- FIRST ONE TO RESPOND GETS A COOKIE!