

What do dead babies amd fruit have in common? Both can become smoothies with the help of a blender!

What is the difference between a dead baby and an orphan? The dead baby happened on purpose while the orphan came out as an accident!

How can you make an Otter Pop become funny. Take your shotgun and make an otter go "pop"!

Three men were going for a drive through the desert. An hour later, the car breaks down. They all take something from the car to keep themselves cool as they walk tp the nearest gas station a few miles back. One guy grabs a hand-held fan. Another guy grabs the jug of water. The last guy takes the car door off. About 15 minutes into walking, the other two are giving the one guy weird looks. Finally, one of them asks why he is taking the car door. The third guy just replies that whenever he gets hot he can just roll down the window.

Yo momma's so old that even scientist's get baffled about where she lived before Earth was created.

What is the difference between peanut butter and a dead baby? One sticks to the roof of you mouth, while the other one doesn't!

If you ever feel depressed, drink some coffee.

Expresso Expresso, no more depresso!