
Q:What's the difference between a knife and razor blade? A:Depends on which wound bleeds faster.

Did you know there was a record for quickest time to finish a story? The day it was set was 9/11. 99 stories in .4 seconds

I'll never forget my Grandads last words...SON WHERE DID U GET A GRENADE FROM?!

I was going to go hunting but then I realized, schools are closed due to covid.

I remember when I was at a funeral at the age of 6. I was with my grandma and asked, "Grandma, Grandma. Why is that man in a box?" and she says, "He's in a better place now." I look at her confused and ask, "WHAT KIND OF BOX DID HE LIVE IN BEFORE?! HOW IS THIS BOX BETTER THAN THE LAST ONE?! IT'S JUST A BOX!" And to this day I am still not allowed to go to funerals.

What do U.S. airstrikes and dark humor have in common?

They're normally pointed towards Africa and the Middle East.