

Day 1: Ever since I quit being a discord mod, it's been really tough right now. I had to leave my queen bee pookie wookie honey bun sugar plumb Pokimane. And it's actually the first time I ever showered! Also there's this thing called soap, we're just making up words now? I'm still not ready to go outside, it's overwhelming how boring this world is, I just want to lay on my bed, talk to my E kittens, consume gfuel, and kiss the portrait of pokimane, and sip belle Delphine's bath water. My pickle doesn't grow anymore, so that's something else that's bad, but hopefully i get to used to it. Also there's a thing called grass and a father figure? I still live in my mom's basement, but never heard of the word "Grass". I'm also redditor so that's something cool also. I got a bunch of lotion stashed in a corner, looks like im gonna have to burn it up. Well guys, hopefully I get over this.

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