

One thing!: if you once more say, that all germans ***** are, then i will look that you will be banned! Its not ok, we call you also not the nukes!

Comments (27)

whats up japan

what german sight

like bro your name is ilove cheeks

your gay so stfu

but your gay

btw i cant say hi to people like bro as soon as i say hi u tell me to go back to the german website u gay bitch

Comment deleted by The real GG Miiler

was up

its okay

do u need somthing

not tellin

why u need to know that

The real GG Miiler

Hi nazi

Don’t call us Nazis

The real GG Miiler

Hi nazi

Why are you call us nazi? We‘re not nazis!


Don’t call us Nazis

Der Name von "Soviet union" war früher mal "Nazi". Angel hat damit also warscheinlich Soviet Union gemeint.