A capital E backwards is just it's mirror image.
How do you make a trash can leak?
Hit it with an axe until it becomes part of the cosmos!
The power of yeet.
I can't do this - YEET!
I'm not good at this - YEET!
I'm not old enough - YEET!
i cant think of any jokes.
Someone asked me to go to hell, so I drove to my local middle school.
How to get rid of non-vaccinators: call water a "dehydration vaccine."
Dislike this! Let's get to 1000 dislikes!
1 like = 1 more child in my blender.
I had a cake for my gender reveal party. I cut it, and the inside was yellow...
The Titanic movie cost $200 million dollars to make, meanwhile the Titanic ship cost $400 million to construct.
Titanic was made by Paramount and 20th Century Fox. CHEAPSKATES!
Adam and Eve had 3 male children, the only children on Earth. How did they reproduce?