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Quick question- What’s something that’s popularly accepted to be ‘hot’ but is just a turn-off to you?

How to get a girls attention.

1. Be unattractive. 2.Be stupid. 3.Be perverted. 4. Don't be unperverted.

nOw yOu kNow how to attract a girl.

@That guy. Leave me alone you weirdo! *Thank god, you left.* ok I'm done with the internet for today. This is more toxic than twitter. 😭

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I mistakenly sexted my wife’s sister A couple years ago I was on a business trip and missing my wife. I decided to take a suggestive picture (me in my boxer briefs, clearly with a bulge and just the tip sticking out the top) and send it to my wife. We don’t usually sext but I figured she’d appreciate knowing I was thinking of her.

It was late, I was tired, and barely paying attention. I accidentally sent it to her s… Read more

Hey, mom how are you? YOur so hot! I HATE! Kill car, die die die! FUCK UA!!@K

I'm so confused 🥴. Why are the jokes called worst jokes ever? And people still post on here? 🫠