

Comments (92)

You're so annoying, you could make a Happy Meal cry.

ur so fat dora couldnt explore u

You can't imagine how much happiness you can bring… by leaving the room.

Somewhere out there a tree is producing oxygen for you. What a shame.

It's all about balance… you start talking, I stop listening.

Whoever told you to be yourself gave you bad advice.

Most mistakes can be corrected. You are the exception to the rule.

You just might be why the middle finger was invented in the first place.\

Yo mama so fat, she left in high heels and came back in flip flops.

you so fat, the toilet said “A B C D E F G, GET UR *** OFF OF ME”

You hear that? It's the sound of me not caring.

Yo mama's so fat, if she was a Star Wars character, her name would be Admiral Snackbar.

roses are red violets are blue shrek thought he was ugly until he saw you

Everyone is allowed to act stupid once in a while, but you're really abusing the privilege.

guess whooooo


its a meeeeeeee

Yo mama's teeth are so yellow, when she smiles at traffic, it slows down.

I’m going to my cousin house tomorrow

I would but then I wouldn't have met you ;)

Bully: nobody loves you Me: aww it must have hurt when your mom told you that.

and how do u know I’m gay huh

u use that joke every time

where is all these “big boi” comin from

god job 4 name me big boi is straight