
Men Jokes

Man asking waitress, " Pardon me miss may I ask you about the menu please?" Waitress, "It's none of your business about the men I please!"

Two men walked into a bar and one man asked for H20 and the other man asked for H20 too.

Only one man came out alive.

Dad: "Son, does mommy like having lady-friends over?"

Son: "Nah, mostly men."

Dad: "Do you think you'd be comfortable telling that to a judge in court.."

I like my men like i like my whiskey. irish and put in a barrel for 2 years with barely any oxegen.

These three men wanted to start a band one had the idea to call them the rolling stones, one wanted to call them the veggies the other said lets be the cripples as they all rolled away

two men are hunting. one asks: did you ever hunt bear? the other one answers: no, but one time i went fishing in my shorts

Why do more women than men oppose abortion? Because they prefer not to get raped

2 men ran into a bar, you would have thought after the first one hit it the second one would have seen it