

What do you get if you eat 3.14 cakes?

Fat, you get Fat.

What? were you expecting a pi joke?


Why did Sally fall off the swings? Because she had no arms. Knock knock Who's there? Not Sally!


why did the monkey fall out of the tree he was dead why did the second monkey fall out of the tree he was also dead why did the third monkey fall out of the tree monkey see monkey do why did the fourth monkey fall out of the tree he was stapled to the first one


whats the difference between a hippo and a zippo a hippo is really heavy a zippo is a little lighter

what comes next in the pattern, ottffs_

s because it represents numbers going up, one two three four five six seven

Why was 6 afraid of 7?

Seven’s been worried about six even since he left Afghanistan. Every time 6 closes his eyes, he sees the war and hears the gunshots. He sees the blood, the killing, the death, and soldiers falling. When he looks at seven, he remembers when they were forced to eat their own flesh to not starve in those caves. He sees the war and the flashbacks will come back forever, burned into his soul and mind.


A man bought a brand new iphone but returned it, why The apple was already bitten.

My dad drove past a graveyard he said “I won’t be buried there.” I asked why. He said “Because I am not dead yet”

Student asks teacher if I throw apple & noodles which 1 will fall 1st teacher replied I don't know then student replied noodles will fall 1st because noodles r fast foods