
Republican Jokes

What is meals on wheels to a christain nationalist that is also a conservative republican politician a gay man in a wheelchair that is poor and also physicality handicapped and who is also well-endowed

If Mexico is an unredeemable shithole, then how come the Republicans' favourite senator, Ted Cruz, ran to Mexico as fast as he could after a little bit of snow in his home?

"Dude, can you believe Republicans are opposed to homosexuality, women's rights, and immigration, yet they are silent when it comes to incest and child molestation?"

"Well, I'm not surprised. Republicans have to win the Alabama vote, or else."

All of the sudden if your republican your raciest and Communism is a symbol of freedom what happened to the proud men our founding fathers were damit!

In order to get $355 million for his civil fraud case, Donald Trump desperately needed to fundraise. So, in every Republican Party event, he will serve the Patriotic Trump Dog! It consists of an 80-year-old sausage inside a 10-year-old cream bun, topped with Russian dressing.

Trump does have the best people, doesn't he?

Why won't Trump be subject to impeachment? Answer: Because Republicans in Congress insist that every baby be brought to full term!

Why are Republicans supporting giving felons the right to vote?

Because their own personal jeebus is a felon!

To anger a Libertarian lie to him, to anger a Democrat tell him the truth, to anger a Republican sodomize him.

What does Matthew McConaughey say at the Republican convention...

We're gonna take back what is ours, alt right, alt right, alt right, hee heeeee...

What do you get when you cross a fat christain nationalist that is heteroflexable and a christain nationalist politician who is also a born again christain and a conservative republican that has a small penis a tv evangelist on steroids

What is a yellow dog Libertarian? A yellow dog Libertarian is a Libertarian who is blindly loyal to the Libertarian Party, he or she who is a yellow dog Libertarian is a card carrying member of the Libertarian Party who would not vote for a progressive Democrat or a conservative Republican even if their life depended on it 🐕 🗽

Why do INBRED RACIST WHITE TRASH SCUM live on "Welfare" and vote for Republicans"?

Answer; Because they are RETARDED due to rhe "Inbreeding"!

What are four ways a condom is like a republican elephant? 1. It stands for inflation. 2. It limits production. 3. It encourages cooperation. 4. It gives you a feeling of security even though you know you're being screwed.