
Priest Jokes

What’s the difference between a Catholic priest and a zit? A zit will wait until you’re twelve before it comes on your face.

Guy: why can't Jesus have M&M's priest: why? Guy: because they'll fall through the whole in his hands


Why Demons are dying from Priestwater?The Soul from a Priest is completly diffrent

Priest walks outside and finds two young boys sitting on a big ice cube... priest asks what are you guys doing the boys answer the priest always likes a couple of cold ones before he goes on

Why do I call my priest daddy

Because he raped my mom when she was 13

She's 27 now


My priest asked if anyone had any questions or anything interesting they wanted to say

So I raised my hand, he said why don’t you tell everyone what you have to say.

In front of the whole church I said did not know Jesus Christ was the first scarecrow.

A priest is struck by lightning and lays hurt on the ground.

When medical crew arrives he denies them saying "God will surely save me."

The medical team tries to help him but he keeps struggling and eventually dies.

Later in the afterlife, he screams at God, saying, "Why didn't you save me? Am I not dear to you?"

God answered, "B**** I sent you a f***ing ambulance and you denied it!"

A priest and a rabbi were hanging out at a playground. The priest waves to a kid to come over and tells the rabbi, "Let's screw this kid." The rabbi looks confused and asks, "Out of what??"

What do a Catholic priest an an Olympic silver medalist have in common? A: They both come in a little behind.