Stand up

Stand Up Jokes

A plane is about the crash into the ocean, and the passengers are freaking out. A woman stands up, takes off her clothes, and says, "Before I go, is there a person man enough to make me feel like a woman?" A man stands up, takes of shirt, and says, "Here, iron this!"

once I was asked to perform snail jokes at a stand-up comedy night. I certainly snailed it because the crowd thought it was shelleriouse.

New teacher:everyone stand up if u think you are stupid.

Student: stands up

Teacher: why did u stand up?

Student: I hate seeing u stand up there by yourself

There was A disabled kid at my door he said I’m selling some cookies want to buy one I said well if you stand up sure

My friend just got hit by a car and is now in a wheel chair, he is getting bullied but I don’t understand why he just can’t stand up for himself