
Idk Jokes

How do you get a fat kid to lose weight?

You pay the ice cream man to keep on driving.


Mom: hey son, what does idk and idc mean?

Son: i don’t know and I don’t care.

Mom: excuse me?

Son: oh, and by the way mum, what’s for dinner?

I don’t know and I don’t care.

dumb person: wat idk mean

person 1: I don’t know

dumb one: oh u don’t know okie I ask googol

person 1: wait idk means-

dumb one (to googol): WAT DOS IDK MANNN

googol: I don’t know


my friend asks me what does idk mean i said i dion't knowm my friend says you mean i don't know i said thats what i said

best part about being an orphan?

not spending 1h30 at the table every night with your dad yelling what's 2*3!!! And you crying idk!!!

So I’m not sure if it’s a joke but I thought it was funny. So imagine u try to die by shooting yourself but you sneeze and pull the trigger... idk about you but I would’ve been mad. Because wtf I wasn’t readyyyy

im m 24 and i was fucking a chinese lady and she kept screaming "im tu yung!" like idk what that name is

Nobody really liked our fireplace. So I turned it into a brick pizza oven. Idk why but now everyone likes our fireplace.

Joe: what do the leafs and the titanic have common Ben: idk Joe: they both look good in till they hit the ice

Why couldn't Sally write with the pen? (Friend: Idk, why?) Because she had no arms. Why couldn't Sally play Tennis? (Friend: Because she had no arms?) Yes, she had no arms. Why did Sally fall off the swing? (Friend: Because she had no arms?) No, Joe pushed her. Why couldn't Sally pick up the box? (Friend: *Some weird guess*) Because she had no arms. Why did sally drop her ice cream? (Friend: Because she had no arms?) Because she got hit by a bus. Knock Knock. (Friend: Who's there?) Not Sally.