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Hey everyone, it's with a heavy heart that I've decided to officially leave the site due to ongoing impersonation issues. Despite efforts to address the problem, it persisted, making it difficult for me to continue engaging here. I want to thank those who have supported me genuinely, and I hope our paths cross again in the future. I'm never gonna come back, not even from time to time, and any impersonator claiming otherwise is spreading falsehoods. Lastly, I’m pretty sure the impersonator is AG. I hope that son of a bitch ends himself. That wraps up my goodbye post, thank you all. - Silent Specter

I won't be on as much cus I got my phone taken awayy, em let's not as questions. 😊 I'll try finding random ass electronics around my house to talk to you guys here, love you pooks

Well, I guess this is my goodbye until next year. I came on in the beginning of December of 2023, and I'm leaving on the 21st of this month. Overall, except for a few days in February, and the alt witch trials, I have had a whole ton of fun with you guys. From the goofiness of Soopy, to the, um, wisdom of Kris, wje have been one of the funnest things that I have ever been. It's been a blast! But all good things must … Read more

Something to clear up , Lets just say kira isn't just one particular person

Ok, this is my new main account. I got tired of dealing with Thoughtless's shit

holy crap. my local yom haatzmaut celebration yesterday was fucking crazy. Literally thousands showed up. And a few dozen pro-Palestinian idiots showed up. But they got bamboozled by a bunch of people who were also waving Israeli and American flags. My dad played an Israeli rap song while we were going by. They looked so pissed. Am Yisrael Chai! It feels great to be a jew.

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